As the sailing season comes to a close, UChicago Sailing sent two teams of sailors to regattas across the country. Our match racing team travelled to Charleston, South Carolina, for the ICSA national championship from November 3rd through 5th. Our sailors were all smiles after a busy two days of head-to-head racing against collegiate sailing teams from all across the country.

Natalie, Holden, Claire, and Max celebrate a busy weekend in Charleston.
Another group of UChicago Sailors travelled to Michigan to compete in the MCSA Open Fall Champs at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. Racing was postponed on the first day with wind stuck at zero knots, but a steady breeze filled in on day two, allowing our sailors hit the water. We were proud UChicago ultimately placing 8th of 15.

Daniil, Raymond, Lucas, Lucas, and Christian vibe through their postponement in Michigan.
Way to go, Maroons!